There is a First Time for Everything

I have been thinking, for some time now, to start my own blog. It is a scary, an extremely scary, thought. I always struggled with writing, putting my thoughts into words. It never sounded the way I wanted it to sound. I felt the full message I was trying to get across was not there. Then I thought about mJan29 006y students who struggle everyday with putting their thoughts onto paper. I challenge them and expect them to write in every subject area, including writing their own blog post. But I never challenge myself to be a better writer.

If I am going to be the best teacher for my students, I need to learn right along with them, right? Why not blog and reflect on my teaching? Why not open myself up to criticism, feedback, just like I expect of my students?  When talking about education reform, Grant Wiggins said in his new post today, “Implementation Version 1.0 is LIKELY to fail. We won’t get this right, most likely until Version 3.5. So, let’s fail early and often (as they say at IDEO) and work to get it right as quickly as possible, based on feedback and advice.” I am taking this to heart. I will fail. I will fail early and often. This is how I will become the teacher my students need me to be. I’m all in! Are you?

4 thoughts on “There is a First Time for Everything

  1. Jen: this is a great start! I can tell you from experience that this gets easier and easier as you find your blog voice and get in the habit of attending to interesting events in your teaching life. And for every fear you have in posting to the world, you will probably inspire a bunch of kids to take the plunge as writers.

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